Here's first of many blog posts. Here's where I talk about whatever I want. Welcome!

For those who don't know me, this is my very first post on my new website(v. exciting!!!). I've always struggled with introductions when it comes to my writing. I've always felt apprehensive when it comes to forming and discovering the right words in order to eloquently and skillfully prepare the reader for something amazing!
The criteria for constructing the perfect introduction has always irritated me as well. Of course you want to convey your message to your reader without giving too much away. That being said, here it is:
So you're probably wondering: "what's this website all about?" Well, I'll tell you.
This is a safe space for creatives. This is a place for people trying to change our culture in a very important way.
Now, you may be thinking: what is she even talking about? I can google these people if I want to. If I wanna know about Angelia Jolie or Kerry Washington's new charity I can just look it up. Nope. This website is for the story that would not be told otherwise. We live in the age of information! We can stumble upon anything at the click of a button (if you don't remember StumbleUpon, you're too young to be here... jk... maybe).
I woke up one day feeling the sudden urge to create a place for these creatives to share their story, whether it be by interviews with me or their own posts. Now, you're probably asking yourself, "why is she even doing this? why does she care?"
We live in a weird time. We live in a time where individuals gain fame and publicity for being pretty. Or taking just the right selfie. Or having clothes from a popular fashion brand fit them just right. I would never try to diminish those who gain recognition from social media because we are so lucky. We live in this time where we can reach so many different people with these apps created for our phones.
But I want to know, what's the point? What's the point of having access to all these amazing technologies that our parents could not even dream would exist during their lifetime? We are all here on this planet, in my opinion, to make a difference. To leave an impact. Those people who benefit from social media may be reaching a small spectrum of people who love and appreciate them and their voice, but I want more.
I want to reach out to every single person who will take the time to listen or read. I want stories to be told that can shape the way we think as a society. I want to give a voice to the people who question what we believe is important. Everyone has their own values and goals but what if we could create a culture that puts love, acceptance, and innovation at the forefront? So much could change.
I'll leave you with an image. We are all familiar with back doors. They are seen as an exit. To get to the backdoor of a home, one has to walk through the home or go around. Either way, you take in a different environment with each route.
When it's not your home, you take in and appreciate the scenery, whether it be the old family photos sitting on the mantle of an exposed brick fireplace or basking in the glow of the floral lined cobblestone walkway leading to the backyard. One can choose to walk to the backdoor and simply return the way the came, learning nothing from their short journey through someone else's world. Others will take the time to recognize and appreciate the scenery of someone's life, and make an effort to divulge and embrace everything they saw the first time around.
My story is so much different than yours. In sharing little pieces of myself with you, I hope that anyone can connect to my story and the stories I choose to share here. It starts today.